My Name is Michaela B. Steward,  born and raised in Miami, FL in which I currently reside. I was born to two wonderful parents, Melina and Michael Steward who worked hard and made a way for me to become the person I am today. I always knew that I was an artist; although I excelled academically, I was always trying to find a way to express myself creatively. Fashion Design was my first hobby until I arrived to high school and was introduced to all the different career paths in the design field.
I’m currently a graduate of Miami Lakes Educational Center, there not only was I striving for my high school diploma but also my certificate of certification in Web Development. In my Web Development class for those four years I had been taught by the wonderful Ms. Martha Romero and Mrs. Odalis Soto. They have taught me valuable skills and lessons that inspired me to pursue and expand on my love for art which led me to apply for Ringling College of Art and Design. It was the greatest honor to be accepted into Ringling, I honestly can say that I’ve found myself not only as an artist but also as a person. I studied Motion Design for three years, during the second semester of my Junior year I decided to transferred to Visual Studies. Transferring to Visual Studies allowed me to focus on growing as a Motion Designer while exploring all the skills and subjects that Ringling had to offer. I’m both pleased and proud say that I  graduated in May of 2018 with a BFA (Bachelor of Fine Art) in Visual Studies and a Minor in Business of Art and Design.
With all of the skills that I have acquired in school and in the workforce as a Freelance Artist; I hope to one day work for the companies that provided me with entertainment as a child (Ex: Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Disney, etc.). Those companies along with my instructors have inspired me to continue to better myself as an artist. By bettering myself I will be able to give back to world with work that provides an excellent design/creative experience.  
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